Episode 7  |  45 Min  |  March 27

How AI will impact your business with Harvard Professor, Shikhar Ghosh

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Engaging topics at a glance

  • 00:10:30
  • 00:13:35
    Why AI is so disruptive?
  • 00:16:30
    How businesses and governments accept this new reality?
  • 00:19:20
    How enterprise leaders should approach the AI transformation?
  • 00:21:40
    New business models shaped with AI
  • 00:27:15
    Emotions, decisions, and algorithms
  • 00:34:35
    Are we ready yet?

Join us in this episode featuring Shikhar Ghosh, Professor, Harvard Business School, as we explore how AI can fundamentally impact business and society!

In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, artificial intelligence stands as a true disruptor, poised to reshape not only our businesses but also the very fabric of society. In a captivating podcast discussion with Shikhar Ghosh, Harvard Business School professor, we delve deep into the riveting world of AI, exploring why its impact is so seismic, how enterprise leaders should navigate this new frontier, the question of human relevance in the age of AI, and whether we are truly prepared for this transformative journey.

We will uncover the essence of AI’s disruptive power and provide compelling insights into the sheer transformation that AI can herald.

When you look at companies, you can almost think about them as AI systems. They have an objective; they have a set of agents that are fine tuning different things…

– Shikhar Ghosh

Be prepared to be guided through the stormy seas of AI influence on businesses. Our expert highlights the critical importance of a well-defined AI approach. Enterprise leaders must be agile and proactive, recognizing that AI is not merely a tool but a transformational force. We will discuss how to approach AI with an open mindset, viewing it as a catalyst for innovation rather than just a threat.

We will also see why leaders should maximize the upside of AI. This underscores the value of human-machine collaboration, emphasizing that AI augments human capabilities rather than replacing them entirely. It’s a matter of harnessing AI’s analytical prowess to inform decision-making and free up human resources for more creative and strategic pursuits.

In some ways AI can do many of these things better than we can because it’s not emotional.

– Shikhar Ghosh

One of the most intriguing segments of the podcast explores the question that lingers in the minds of many: Will humans remain relevant in the age of AI? This is discussed with nuances that business leaders can take a leaf from and be proactive in embracing AI wisely and effectively.

In a world teetering on the precipice of AI-driven transformation, this podcast offers a compelling exploration of why AI is the disruptive force of our era. It presents an alluring narrative that transcends the technical jargon, making the topic accessible and engaging for both the tech-savvy and those new to the AI landscape. As we listen to Professor Shikhar’s captivating insights, we are left with a resounding question: Will we embrace AI as a catalyst for positive change, or will we be swept aside by its inexorable tide of disruption? The answer may very well determine the fate of businesses and society as we know it. Find out more, tune in to the full podcast and embark on a journey into the future of AI, business, and our shared human experience.

Production Team
Arvind Ravishunkar, Ankit Pandey, Chandan Jha

Latest podcasts

Episode 11  |  55 Min  |  March 27

How to deploy AI sustainably with Dr. Eng Lim Goh, SVP at HPE

How to deploy AI sustainably with Dr. Eng Lim Goh, SVP at HPE

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Engaging topics at a glance

  • 00:16:45
    Why is sustainable AI important?
  • 00:20:48
    Apart from power, what else matters for sustainable AI?
  • 00:26:12
    What about e-waste and recycling?
  • 00:29:15
    Why is AI so power hungry?
  • 00:32:19
    What model should business leaders adopt for AI deployment?
  • 00:36:47
    More on energy use by AI
  • 00:39:56
    Choosing the right hardware for AI
  • 00:45:08
    Organizational effort for sustainable AI
  • 00:48:56
    Considerations when deploying AI

Explore the vital link between AI and sustainability as we discuss strategies for eco-conscious AI deployment with Dr. Eng Lim Goh, Senior vice president of Data & AI at Hewlett Packard Enterprise

In this episode of Unpacked, Arvind introduces Dr. Eng Lim Goh, SVP of Data and AI at Hewlett Packard Enterprises, to discuss the topic of sustainable AI. They agree on the importance of being conscious of the planet's well-being while charting business growth and profitability. 

Dr. Goh explains the need for corporations to consider sustainability due to their net-zero goals, the conscious younger generation of employees, and the economic implications of power consumption in supercomputing. He shares his experience of working on the International Space Station and how he realized the importance of a sustainable approach to technology. 

Similarly, he suggests that businesses should consider long-term goals while investing in AI and related technologies, adding that it is important to measure the impact of such efforts quantitatively. He also talks about the importance of collaboration between businesses, governments, and academia to achieve sustainable progress. The conversation then moves on to the topic of energy consumption in AI, and Dr. Goh explains how the power consumption of large models has been a challenge in the supercomputing industry. He suggests that businesses should consider using more efficient hardware and software to reduce energy consumption and how they can approach this. He also mentions the importance of using renewable energy sources to power data centers. 

The conversation concludes with Dr. Goh’s vision for the future of AI and sustainability. Dr. Goh emphasizes the need for businesses to consider the long-term impact of their actions and to invest in sustainable technologies. He believes that AI can play a crucial role in achieving sustainability goals and that it is important for businesses to collaborate and share knowledge to achieve sustainable progress. 

Overall, the conversation highlights the need for businesses to consider sustainability while investing in AI and related technologies. It emphasizes the importance of transparency, collaboration, and measurement in achieving sustainable progress.

Production Team
Arvind Ravishunkar, Ankit Pandey, Chandan Jha

Top trending insights

Episode 3  |  48 Min  |  March 27

Leading the AI transformation of your company with Prof. Gregory LaBlanc

Leading the AI transformation of your company with Prof. Gregory LaBlanc

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Engaging topics at a glance

  • 00:13:40
    What is transformation? What constitutes it?
  • 00:15:29
    Have you seen unpredictable organizational behavior before?
  • 00:16:30
    Learnings that enterprise leaders should pay attention to
  • 00:17:30
    How do organizations overcome fear to adapt?
  • 00:18:55
    Do you foresee AI running parts of companies?
  • 00:21:28
    Is data accessibility a key challenge for AI?
  • 00:23:29
    Are algorithms or data the true competitive edge?
  • 00:25:17
    Will companies without data become irrelevant?
  • 00:30:28
    What is your vision for the future of work?
  • 00:36:53
    Will AI drive higher-order thinking?

"AI Transformation – the new paradigm" with UC Berkeley Professor and AI Startup Expert, Greg La Blanc. Get ready to dive into the future of AI!

For some people, transformation is exciting and challenging. Curiosity and excitement about learning, drew Greg to into the field of strategy and transformation and all the other topics that he has been teaching throughout his career. 

Every time you learn something, you are displacing or changing some previous notion of how the world works. For some people, this is disturbing. But for others, it is a thrill and really exciting. It's how you approach the transformation is the beginning of how you deal with transformation, and curiosity is such a powerful, such a powerful human trait.

Some people would emphasize what they call long-term trends. And then others would be more inclined to say everything's new. Similarly, with the digital and AI transformations taking place, you can say, everything's new, everything has to be changed. This is something that we've never seen before, or you can say this is not that much different from the sorts of things that we have seen and happened to us in the past. 

As humans, we are in the entropy reduction business. We are trying to create order. We're trying to make sense of our world. We're trying to put in place practices that we can automate. We're trying to create routines and subroutines, and indeed, this is how efficiency happens. Efficiency happens when you realize, you start to recognize patterns, and you start to engage in repetitive action. 

The problem with that is that the circumstances and the environment changes. And so, the routines that you've established, they need to be changed at some point. And that requires a bit of work. So, sometimes, there's a couple different ways we can respond to that. One is to say, okay, the world's changed, so we got to change the way we're doing things. The other is to say, well, let's try to change the world so that we don't have to change. And that often means trying to shape the behavior of your customers or your employees or try to use regulation or market power to hold off the onslaught of change.

The third way is to say, let's change. 

Too much flexibility means that nothing ever gels, too little flexibility means that, you get stuck. And so, it is needed to figure out what that optimal amount of flexibility is, and then figuring out a way to routinize change. That sounds paradoxical. It means creating systems, which are designed right intentionally to respond to the, the changing environment. If you can routinize change, you can routinize curiosity. If you can create a standard operating procedure for discovery, then in some ways you can have your cake and eat it too. And that’s what all really good dynamic businesses are, are trying to do.

Every time there's a new discovery in the world of artificial intelligence, people say, now's the time. This is AI, it's this. Back in 2015 with neural nets, everyone's like, yes, AI finally. The possibilities of AI and each one of these sorts of punctuated discoveries are a continuation of series of discoveries that have been happening right in the world of artificial intelligence for the last couple of decades.

The technology diffuses rapidly. What doesn't diffuse as rapidly are managerial techniques, organizational, architectural innovations. And that's also the reason why older companies have a tough time adapting. They resist change and the kinds of transformations that they would need to undertake in order to enable new technologies.

There is the immune system of the organization, but the immune system of all of the individuals within the organization Natural propensity for many people is to fight new ideas when they encounter them as individuals. And then if you take that and you combine it into a big organization, you can often have an organization where every individual's open to new ideas, but the organization is not because it has its own logic.

Fear plays a role, but it's not the complete story. It's not always that they're afraid. They feel fairly confident that they can keep this at bay. And this is why leadership is so critical. You need carrots and sticks, but you also need your, your, your vision and, and your messaging.

Even before generative ai, more primitive forms of machine learning and the ones that have been the easiest to adopt are the ones that perform some relatively narrow tasks. Suppose you are in HR and you're doing hiring, and someone comes up with a product that helps you to process more applications more quickly. You can see how that is going to save you money. You can see if you are in marketing and someone comes along and says, I got this great tool that'll help you to figure out who you should be targeting with your marketing. You will think, I am a revenue center, I've just boosted my revenue. So, all of those specific applications are actually relatively unproblematic. 

Just setting aside AI for a second, if we look at the automotive industry. Look at a company like Ford or GM that has tier one suppliers, tier two suppliers, tier three suppliers, and son on. If there is an innovation in the steering column, the tier one supplier makes steering, they'll figure it out and they'll start selling it. But the challenge is when you want to figure out a way to connect those things.

The current supply chain architecture makes it very difficult, because you need to adjust the design elements of the brake to coordinate better with the design elements of the, the steering column. And when you have everything set up in this, then it becomes tough. Whereas with Tesla, which has an integrated, much more integrated production process and design process, it is super easy. To make those kinds of shifts. So, the reason the car companies are struggling is because they've tried to incorporate a lot of these new technological innovations into the pre-existing business architecture, supply chain, and value chain architecture, which was optimized for the internal combustion engine. Which is why someone like Tesla can just leapfrog.

Your competitive advantage is always going to come from the data. It is never going to come from your analytics tools. 

If I have access to unique data, then I can take cutting edge algorithms and train them on that data it can give competitive edge.

There will be companies that can they live without a solid data strategy, but for the vast majority of companies, if you do not have a data strategy, you're toast.

There are two major takeaways. The first one is in this transformation; your organizational structure is super important. How you organize your company so that data is democratised. And then the second one is having high quality unique data. Not just the quality of data, it is the uniqueness of the data is what's going to differentiate you going forward, at least in the next couple of years.

How do you make a balance between flexibility and order is also going to be an important skill for all leaders. All our education systems have to teach flexibility, adaptability, how to learn and how to learn fast.

With artificial intelligence in all of our jobs, we have to develop higher order thinking skills.

Production Team
Arvind Ravishunkar, Ankit Pandey, Chandan Jha

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